Tips to take care of your gardening tools

Gardening tools are expensive, especially if you purchase high-quality equipment. Taking care of them and maintaining them will allow you to extend their lifetime and make the most out of your investment. It is strongly advised to clean tools after each use. Winter is usually considered the perfect time to clean, oil, and polish them, but it is never too late to take care of your garden tools! (more…)

How UK Gardens Have Evolved

Our green spaces in Britain are shrinking along with our homes, with modern day homes having halved in sized in comparison with those built in 1920, while between 1983 and 2013 the average British garden has shrunk from 168 square metres to only 163.2 square metres. (more…)

The UK’s Best Places for Gardening

Well a rural setting and everything that comes with it sort of gives it away, but living rural does indeed give one an advantage over city dwellers by way of the quality of the soil and other environmental factors with regards to growing your very own vegetables and even fruits. It’s likely that you’re better off in that regard if you do indeed live in a rural area, but the ability to grow your own fresh produce is not limited to those of us who live in rural areas, as detailed by Compost Direct, compost and grow bag retailer. Check out the infographic: (more…)

How to Win the War Against Your Rubbish!

We’ve all been there: overwhelmed by heaps of rubbish that seem to laugh at us because it knows that it has the upper hand. Or maybe your three-bedroom flat is functionally a two-bedroom unit because your junk decided it needed its own private space. Indeed, looking down the barrel of a waste tidal wave can be daunting. But fear not, fellow hoarder, for there is hope! (more…)