New drivers are deemed as the most likely to be involved in a serious incident. A lot of the time this is due to lack of experience and understanding of the roads as well as the vehicle they’re driving.
Being a new driver often means that you’ve saved up super hard to purchase that new car of yours. By neglecting your vehicle you could end up in an accident that would mean writing off your car, scrapping it and having to fork out for a brand new one (never mind the rise in your insurance after that).
Whilst some scrappage companies will give you some money in return for both your good parts and your scrap parts, it won’t cover the costs of the damage. The best thing you can do is follow these tips to ensure your vehicle is in tip top condition at all times.
Check your tread depth
It is important that you check your ties on a regular basis. This is because they are the main point of contact with you and the road, neglecting them puts you in true danger.
It is a lawful requirement that the tread on your tyres is as at least 1.6mm deep. To check this take a 20p coin and put it into the tread – if you can still see the coin’s outer band then your tyres may need replacing.
Don’t neglect your oil levels
You may not know that your car can get through up to one litre of oil every 1,000 miles. Measure your levels as soon as you buy the care and then at frequent intervals. Your cars handbook should tell you all you need to know about the correct type of oil to use.
Remember your windscreen wash
Top up the levels with a good balance and concentration of water and windscreen wash. Alter the ratio depending on the season. For example, during the winter add more screen wash to stop it freezing.
Keep topped up with fuel
Many people allow their fuel levels to go right down on a regular basis and only top up when the red light has come on. It’s a good idea to get into the habit of filling up when you get down to a quarter of a tank. This keeps a healthy level of fuel swishing around the tank and lowers stress and risk of running out.
Check the pressure
If your tyres aren’t correctly inflated they will be more susceptible to damage. This includes both being under and over inflated. Check your cars manual to find out the correct pressure your tyres should be at and make sure you maintain this level by checking the pressure frequently.